Preparation for the CSRD requirements: The role of the ZNU standard

With the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the requirements for the disclosure of non-financial information have been significantly tightened. Companies must now produce comprehensive reports that reflect their sustainability performance and their impact on the environment, society and governance.  

To meet these requirements, companies can use the ZNU Standard, which provides them with a structured approach and clear guidelines. 

Understanding the role of the ZNU Standard in CSRD 

The ZNU Standard for Sustainable Management is an established framework for sustainability reporting. It was developed by the ZNU Foundation - Center for Sustainable Corporate Management at Witten/Herdecke University. It is based on international standards such as the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and covers various topics, including environmental performance, social responsibility and corporate governance.  

The ZNU Standard is the only field-tested and implemented standard for sustainable management that combines the three dimensions of environment, economy and social responsibility and offers companies a practical method for measuring, evaluating and communicating their sustainability performance. 

The ZNU standard plays an important role in the context of the CSRD, as it supports companies in collecting, analyzing and reporting the required non-financial information. By applying the ZNU Standard, companies can ensure that their reports meet the requirements of the CSRD and provide stakeholders with relevant information. The ZNU Standard provides a clear structure and defined indicators to support companies in collecting and analyzing sustainability data. 

How to prepare for the CSRD requirements with the help of the ZNU Standard   

The ZNU Standard provides companies with a structured approach to preparing for the CSRD requirements. Here are the key elements of the ZNU Standard:  

  • Sustainability goals and strategy: companies should set clear sustainability goals and develop a strategic direction for their sustainability activities.  
  • Measurement and evaluation: The ZNU Standard provides a method for measuring and evaluating sustainability performance.  
  • Reporting: Companies can use the ZNU Standard as a guide to ensure that all relevant aspects are covered in their sustainability reports. 

CSRD requirements require careful planning and implementation, and the ZNU Standard can help you to manage these successfully. 

Benefits of implementing the ZNU Standard in CSRD reporting 

The implementation of the ZNU Standard offers companies a variety of advantages in terms of CSRD reporting:  

  •  Consistent reporting: the ZNU Standard provides a clear structure and guidelines for sustainability reporting, resulting in consistent and comparable reporting.   
  • Increased efficiency: By using the ZNU Standard, companies can optimize their reporting processes and make them more efficient, which saves time and resources.   
  •  Credibility and transparency: Using the ZNU Standard demonstrates a company's commitment to sustainability and improves its credibility and transparency towards stakeholders.   
  • Competitive advantage: Companies that implement the ZNU Standard can differentiate themselves from competitors and gain a competitive advantage through their sustainable management.  

Overall, the ZNU Standard plays a crucial role in preparing for the CSRD requirements. Companies that implement the ZNU Standard can improve their sustainability performance, meet CSRD requirements and achieve long-term benefits.  


Learn more about the ZNU Standard and how it can help you prepare for the CSRD requirements.